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Agri in die media

Does government realize the impact of the ban on alcohol sales?

13 July 2020


Agri Wes-Kaap betwyfel of die regering besef watter enorme skade die besluit van Sondagaand 12 Julie om drankverkope met onmiddellike effek op te hef, op die totale wynwaardeketting gaan hê.

Vlakke vyf en vier van die nasionale inperking het reeds ‘n groot nadelige uitwerking op die wynbedryf gehad toe die verbod op binnelandse verkope ‘n inkomste-verlies van ‘n meer as R3 miljard tot gevolg gehad het, sê mnr Jannie Strydom, uitvoerende hoof van Agri Wes-Kaap.

Hy sê Agri Wes-Kaap is uiters baie bekommerd oor werksverliese wat reeds as gevolg van Covid-19 regulasies in die waardeketting voorgekom het. Na raming kan nog 18 000 werkers geraak word.

Die besluit om drankverkope wéér te verbied, gaan ook verdere druk plaas op talle produsente en wynkelders wat reeds enorme skade vanweë Covid-19 regulasies gely het en wat ‘n groot behoefte aan oorbruggingsfinansiering het.

“Die landboubedryf is nie in die besluit geken of gekonsulteer nie en die impak stop nie by die plaashek of by die kleinhandelaar nie. Daar bestaan ook praktiese implikasies, soos wat van 2021 se oes gaan word as die 2020 oes nog in die kelders gaan wees. Die totale spiritualeë-bedryf, waarvan die oorsprong in die landbou lê, word nadelig deur die opheffing van drankverkope beinvloed,” het mnr Strydom gesê.


Agri Western Cape doubts whether government realizes what enormous damage the decision of Sunday evening 12 July to suspend alcohol sales with immediate effect will cause to the entire wine value chain.

Levels five and four of the national lock down already had a major adverse effect on the wine industry when the ban on domestic sales resulted in a revenue loss of more than R3 billion, says Mr Jannie Strydom, CEO of Agri Western Cape.

He says Agri Western Cape is very worried about jobs that have already been lost in the wine value chain due to Covid-19 regulations. A further estimated 18 000 workers can also be affected.

The decision to suspend alcohol sales again, will put further pressure on producers and cellars that have already suffered enormous damages due to Covid-19 regulations and that are in great need of bridging finance.

“The agriculture sector wasn’t consulted in the decision and the impact doesn’t stop at the farm gate or at the retailer. There are practical implications as well, such as what will become of the 2021 crop if the 2020 crop is still in the cellars. The entire spirits industry whose origins lie in agriculture, is adversely affected,” says Mr Strydom.

Posted on July 13, 2020 in Blog, News


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