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Agri in die media

Did Nersa follow correct procedures wrt Eskom tariffs?

30 June 2020


Agri Wes-Kaap het kennis geneem dat Nersa glo nie die korrekte prosedure met betrekking tot die besluit oor Eskom se kragtariewe gevolg het nie. As prosedures nie gevolg kan word nie, het Agri Wes-Kaap met reg vrae oor die korrektheid van fisiese berekenings en watter versekering alle verbruikers, wat die landbou insluit, in die verband het.

Elektristeit is van kardinale belang vir die landbousektor is, hetsy vir direkte benutting in die koueketting of indirek vir byvoorbeeld besproeiing. Om Eskom te red en sin te maak van Nersa se betrokkenheid is amper onmoontlik.

Agri Wes-Kaap het tydens publieke verhore in Februarie omvattend verwys na die onduidelikheid met die omvang en samestelling van agterstallige inkomstes waarop Eskom geregtig sou wees. Agri Wes-Kaap het spesifiek aangedring op meer omvattende verduidelikings van agterstallige bedrae en het groter duidelikheid oor die skedulering van verhalings verlang, spesifiek die impak daarvan op toekomstige tariewe. Die doeltreffendheid van Nersa se toesigfunksie is bevraagteken aan die hand van opsigtelike oorsigte en bepaalde Eskom kontrakte wat nie nagegaan is nie.

Elektristeitskoste maak tot 20% van die veranderlike koste van boerderye in die Wes-Kaap uit. Daar word tans gespekuleer oor tariefverhogings van tot 15% en Agri Wes-Kaap is ernstig bekommerd oor die finansiële oorlewing van produsente.

Agri Wes-Kaap verwag dat alles moontlik gedoen sal word om die verhoging te temper. Vir alle praktiese doeleindes is Eskom nie meer ‘n lopende saak nie en sal redding op alle vlakke gesoek moet word, hetsy koste-aanpassings of strukturele verskuiwings wat privatisering kan insluit.

Die feit dat Eskom agterstallige bedrae vir verhaling kan registreer, bevat geen aansporing om doeltreffendheid te verskerp nie. Agri Wes-Kaap dring in belang van landbouers en in belang van die land daarop aan dat ferm en deursigtige besluite om die onuithoudbare situasie te hanteer, spoedig geneem word.

Agri Western Cape took note that Nersa apparently didn’t follow the correct procedure with regards to the decision on Eskom’s power tariffs. If procedures can’t be followed, Agri Western Cape can rightly question the correctness of physical calculations and what insurance all consumers, including agriculture, have in this regard.

Electricity is crucial for the agricultural sector, either for direct utilization in the cold chain or indirectly, like for irrigation. To save Eskom and to make sense of Nersa’s involvement seems to be almost impossible.

During public hearings in February, Agri Western Cape referred extensively to the ambiguities with regards to the extent and the composition of arrears income to which Eskom would be entitled. Agri Western Cape specifically called for more comprehensive explanations of arrears amounts and requested more clarity on the scheduling of recoveries, more specifically the impact on future tariffs. The effectiveness of Nersa’s oversight role was questioned on the basis of obvious oversights and specific Eskom contracts that were not checked.

Electricity costs account for up to 20% of the variable cost of farms in the Western Cape. This is why the financial survival of producers is at the forefront when Agri Western Cape is seriously concerned about future tariff increases of up to 15%, as is currently being speculated.
Agri Western Cape expects that every effort will be made to curb the increase. For all practical purposes, Eskom is no longer a going concern and will have to seek rescue at all levels, whether cost adjustments or structural shifts that may include privatization.
The fact that arrears amounts can be registered for recovery by Eskom, holds no incentive to improve efficiency. In the interests of farmers and in the interests of the country, Agri Western Cape urges that firm and transparent decisions to deal with the unbearable situation be taken soon.

Posted on July 1, 2020 in Blog, News


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